excl VAT


Terms and Conditions of Purchase
1. General provisions
1.1. These rules are a legal document binding on the parties, which sets out the rights and obligations of the Buyer and the Seller, the conditions of purchase and payment for goods, delivery and return procedures, liability of the parties and other shop).
1.2. The online store MONARDA parduotuvė sells and delivers goods in all EU countries.
1.3. You have the right to buy in the Online Store:
1.3.1. able-bodied natural persons, i. persons who have reached the age of majority and whose capacity is not restricted by court order;
1.3.2. minors between the ages of fourteen and eighteen, only with the consent of their parents, guardians or carers, unless they are self-employed;
1.3.3. legal entities;
1.3.4. authorized representatives in accordance with the procedures laid down by all the above persons.
1.4. The Buyer, agreeing with the Rules, confirms that in accordance with Article 1.3. point, he has the right to purchase goods in the Online Store.

2. The moment of concluding the purchase and sale agreement
2.1. The Purchase-Sale Agreement between the Buyer and the Seller shall be deemed concluded from the moment when the Buyer, having selected the item (s) to be purchased and formed a shopping cart, clicks on the "Buy" link.

3. Privacy Policy
3.1. The collection, processing and storage of the personal data of the Buyers is governed by these Rules, the Law on the Legal Protection of Personal Data of the EU countries and other legal acts.
3.2. The Seller undertakes not to disclose the Buyer's personal data to third parties, except for the Seller's partners providing delivery of goods or other services related to the proper execution of the Buyer's order. In all other cases, the Buyer's personal data may be disclosed to third parties only in accordance with EU law.
3.3. By agreeing to the processing of his personal data for the purpose of selling goods and services in the Seller's e-shop, the Buyer also agrees to the sending of information messages to the e-mail address and telephone number specified by him, which are necessary to fulfill the order.

4. Buyer's rights and obligations
4.1. The buyer undertakes not to pass on to third parties the data code of his registration in the Online Store. If the Buyer loses the login data, the Buyer must immediately, but not later than within 1 business day, inform the Seller - using the contacts specified in the Online Store. In the event that the Buyer fails to perform this obligation, the Seller shall not be liable for the fact that third parties have placed an order for goods in the Online Store on behalf of the Buyer.
4.2. If the Buyer, at the agreed time of delivery of the goods, refuses to accept the goods without a valid reason, the Buyer must pay the Seller in full the cost of additional delivery before re-delivery.
4.3. The Buyer has the right to withdraw from the contract of purchase and sale of goods concluded with the Online Store by notifying the Seller in writing (indicating the product to be returned and its order number) no later than within 7 (seven) working days from the date of delivery. The Buyer may exercise this right only if the product has not been damaged or its appearance has not changed significantly, as well as if it has not been used.
4.4. When buying goods in the online store "MONARDA parduotuvė", the buyer undertakes to comply with these Rules and not to violate EU laws.

5. Rights and obligations of the seller
5.1. If the Buyer tries to impair the operation or stable operation of the Online Store, the Seller may, without prior notice, restrict, suspend its access to the Online Store or, in exceptional cases, cancel the Buyer's registration. 5.2. In case of important circumstances, the Online Store may temporarily or permanently terminate the activities of the Online Store MONARDA Store without notifying the Buyer in advance.
5.3. The Seller undertakes to make available to the Buyer the services provided by the Online Store under the conditions set forth in these Rules and the Online Store.
5.4. The Seller has the right to cancel his order without notifying the Buyer in advance, if the Buyer, having chosen the methods of payment: payment using electronic banking and paying in advance by bank transfer, does not pay for the goods within 3 (three) business days.
5.5. The Seller undertakes to deliver the goods ordered by the Buyer to the address specified by him.
5.6. The Seller, unable to provide the Buyer with the ordered goods due to important circumstances, undertakes to offer a similar or as similar a product as possible. If the Buyer refuses to accept an analogous or similar product, the Seller undertakes to return the money paid to the Buyer within 14-30 (fourteen and more) business days, if a prepayment has been made.
5.7. If the Buyer exercises the right to withdraw from the contract of purchase and sale of goods concluded with the Online Store, by notifying the Seller in writing (indicating the product to be returned and its order number) no later than 3 (three) working days from the date of delivery only if the goods have not been damaged or substantially changed in appearance, as well as if they have not been used), the Seller undertakes to return the money paid to the Buyer within 14-30 (fourteen and more) working days from the date of receipt of the returned goods.
5.8. Return of goods of appropriate quality is possible only in the order of the Minister of Economy of 2001. August 17 by order no. 258 approved in accordance with the procedure established by the Rules for the Sale of Goods and Provision of Services where Contracts Are Concluded by Means of Communication. In this case, the cost of returning the goods is paid by the Buyer.

6. Prices of goods, payment procedure and terms
6.1. The prices of the goods in the Online Store and in the order of the goods purchased by the Buyer are indicated in euros with VAT.
6.2. The Buyer pays for the Goods - using electronic banking, paying in advance by bank transfer.
6.3. When paying using electronic banking and paying in advance by bank transfer, the Buyer undertakes to pay the full price of the order within 3 days of placing the order. In the above cases, subject to the provisions of Article 5.3. The Seller 's right provided for in paragraph shall be formed only after the payment for the goods has been received and the delivery period of the goods shall begin to run.

7. Delivery of goods
7.1. The goods are delivered by the Seller or the Seller's authorized representative.
7.2. The buyer, having chosen the delivery service at the time of ordering, undertakes to indicate the exact place of delivery of the goods.
7.3. Delivery fee is indicated for each product, minimum fee:
* 19.99 Euro + VAT (for gastro equipment and cosmetics);

* 145.00 Euro + VAT and more, small architecture, street furniture (up to 2 - 4 items that weigh no more than 250 - 300kg in total and fit in the standard Euro pallet 1200 x 800mm. Larger products such as benches, tennis tables, concrete pots and rubbish bins, etc. are counted separately according to the bids submitted by the transport companies).
* Please contact us before purchasing.
* If the standard price of delivery 145.00 Eur + VAT exceeds the amount set by the website, the customer must pay or the order is canceled.
7.4. The terms of delivery of the goods to the Buyer are preliminary, moreover, they do not apply in cases when the required goods are not in the Seller's warehouse and the Buyer is informed about the shortage of the goods ordered by him. At the same time, the Buyer agrees that in exceptional cases the delivery of goods may be delayed due to unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the Seller. In this case, the Seller undertakes to contact the Buyer immediately and agree on the terms of delivery.
7.5. In all cases, the Seller shall be released from liability for violation of the terms of delivery of the goods, if the goods are delivered to the Buyer in time not due to the fault of the Seller or due to circumstances beyond the control of the Seller.
7.6. At the time of delivery of the goods to the Buyer, the Buyer must, together with the Seller or his authorized representative, check the condition of the consignment and the product (s) and sign an invoice, bill of lading or other delivery-acceptance document. After signing the invoice, bill of lading or other delivery-acceptance document of the consignment, the consignment shall be deemed to have been delivered in proper condition, non-factory defects of the goods and discrepancies of the goods during the inspection) is not available. If the Customer notices that the packaging of the submitted consignment is damaged (wrinkled, wet or otherwise externally damaged), the product (s) is / are damaged and / or the product (s) are not in complete condition, the Buyer must mark this on the invoice, bill of lading or other in the delivery-acceptance document of the consignment and, in the presence of the Seller or his representative, to draw up a report on the violation / non-conformity of the free-form consignment and / or the product (s). If the Buyer fails to perform these actions, the Seller shall be released from liability to the Buyer for damage to the goods, if the cause of such damage is not a factory defect, and for discrepancies in the assembly of goods, if these discrepancies can be identified during external inspection.

8. Product quality guarantee
8.1. The general characteristics of each product sold in the Online Store are indicated in the product description attached to each product.
8.2. The Seller is not responsible for the fact that the goods in the Online Store may not correspond in their color, shape or other parameters to the actual size, shape and color of the goods due to: the photos provided in the Online Store; Features of the monitor used by the buyer.
8.3. The Seller provides warranty service for the goods himself or by directing the Buyer to the center providing warranty service for suppliers.
8.4 The warranty for all GGM Gastro International equipment is provided at an additional cost:
+ 10 percent - 12 months
+15 percent - 24 months
The purchase of goods from this manufacturer at a discount or without the inclusion of additional warranty amounts in the purchase amount - no warranty is provided.

9. Return and exchange of goods
9.1. Deficiencies of sold goods are eliminated, low-quality goods are replaced and returned in accordance with the Minister of Economy's 2001 June 29 by order no. 217 “On Approval of the Rules for Return and Exchange of Items” approved by the Rules for Return and Exchange of Items.
9.2. 9.1. The Buyer may exercise the right provided for in Clause 4.6 of the Rules within 3 (three) days from the date of delivery of the goods to him, informing the Seller thereof. in accordance with the procedure laid down in 9.3. When returning the goods to the Buyer, the returned goods must be in the original neat packaging, undamaged by the Buyer, unused, without losing the appearance of the goods (undamaged labels, torn protective films, etc.), the returned goods must be in the same configuration as received by the Buyer. When returning the product, it is necessary to present the document of purchase, warranty card (if it was issued).
9.4. The Seller has the right not to accept the goods returned by the Buyer if the Buyer does not follow the procedure for returning the goods set out in these rules.
9.5. The Buyer can deliver the returned goods to the e-mail address provided. in the "Contacts" section of the store on working days from 08.00 to 17.00. In the event that the goods are returned in accordance with 4.6. the right provided for in paragraph, the Buyer shall bear the cost of returning the goods. When the received wrong product and / or defective product is returned, the Seller undertakes to pick up such goods and replace them with similar suitable goods. In the event that the Seller does not have similar goods, he shall return to the Buyer the money paid for the goods.
9.6. Return and exchange of goods shall be carried out in accordance with the 2001 Order of the Minister of Economy. June 29 by order no. 217 “Return and Exchange Rules” approved by the Minister of Economy. August 17 by order no. 258 approved "Rules for the sale of goods and provision of services when contracts are concluded by means of communication". When the reason for returning the product is the wrong quality, we undertake to replace the product of the wrong quality with a product of the right quality at our own expense. Return of goods of appropriate quality is possible only in 2001. August 17th. by order no. 258 approved in accordance with the procedure established by the Rules for the Sale of Goods and Provision of Services when Contracts Are Used by Means of Communication. In this case, the cost of returning the goods is paid by you, the Buyer.

10. Liability
10.1. The buyer is responsible for the accuracy of the data provided in the registration form. If the Buyer does not provide accurate data in the registration form, the Seller is not responsible for the consequences.
10.2. The Buyer is responsible for its own actions (and in the case specified in Clause 4.1 of these Rules - also for the actions of third parties) performed using the Online Store.
10.3. The buyer is responsible for passing the identification code to third parties. If third parties use the Buyer's identification code, the Buyer is responsible for the actions performed by the third party.
10.4. The Online Store is not responsible for the information provided on the websites of other companies, even if the Buyer accesses these websites via links in the Online Store.
10.5. In the event of damage, the guilty party shall compensate the other party for the damage suffered.

11. Sending Information
11.1. The Seller will send all notifications to the e-mail address specified by the Buyer during registration.
11.2. The Buyer may contact the Seller with the contacts specified in the "Contacts" section of the Online Store.

12. Final provisions
12.1. All disputes arising out of or in connection with the purchase and sale agreement between the Buyer and the Seller shall be settled by negotiation. In case of failure to reach an agreement, disagreements shall be resolved in accordance with the procedure established by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania and the EU.

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