ohne MwSt.

Betonbank ohne Rückenlehne '200x45x45cm / BS-183'

Artikelcode: EGT-STF-BS-178-MDL-6939237

Das Produkt wird vorbestellt

Warranty: 2
Herkunftsland: Bulgarija
Hersteller: MONARDA LAB
PRODUKTLIEFERUNGLieferung von Kosmetikprodukten 1-5 Tage.
Lieferung von Catering-Equipment in 2-3 Wochen
Stadtmöbel Produktion und Lieferung 8-12 Wochen Stadtmöbel

The concrete bench is made of concrete with aggregate of natural marble or granite stones in different colors. The concrete is high-performance reinforced and further fortified with fibrous structures. The combination of the polished surface with certified softwood enables the product to be organically woven into different landscape solutions. The surfaces are treated with lacquer coatings that protect concrete and wood from aggressive weathering and reduce the deposition of dirt. The universal model with a clean cubic shape is suitable for different urban spaces. Variations in color and the preserved natural beauty of the tree create a product that embodies the philosophy of beauty, proportionality and indivisibility.

Abmessungen: 2000 x 450 x H / 450 mm
Farbe: Weiß, Scater, Grau, Braun, Schwarz
Gewicht: 370 kg

Produktion: 35-55 Kalendertage.
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