без НДС

Бетонная скамья 'Nantes'

Код товара: est-nantes-7584


€1 05500 c НДС
€87190 без НДС
Производитель: MONARDA LAB
ДОСТАВКА ПРОДУКТАДоставка косметической продукции 1-5 дней.
Доставка кейтерингового оборудования за 2-3 недели
Изготовление и доставка малой архитектуры 8-12 недель

The Nantes chair model was designed based on a contemporary interpretation of furniture archetypes and the structural and formal possibilities of UHPC-Slimconcrete. A tensioned membrane, resolved with the lowest possible thickness and inserted into an independent, self-stabilising metal structure.

Inspired by the design of mass-produced, low-cost seats with metal structures and a tensioned fabric, we associated the characteristics of the behaviour of this material and the shapes it generates with the possibilities offered by UHPC-Slimconcrete in the site furnishings field.

The Nantes chair is reminiscent of mass-produced textile furniture. Fabrics hung on lightweight metal structures, sometimes folded, with the structure and membrane being completely independent. The lightweight nature of the UHPC-Slimconcrete products makes them easy to transport and reduces energy consumption in their fabrication. Their 100% recyclable material composition optimises their life cycle.

The bench is made from a single piece of UHPC-Slimconcrete. Solid machined, folded stainless steel profile structure. The Nantes chair is installed on the paving, anchored with threaded rods fastened with resin. In the case of a detachable installation, the anchorage is executed with through-bolts and expansion plugs.

Стол NANTES ® Ø100 x 70см / 98кг UHPC, цена: 828.00 Eur + НДС (цена указана при покупке)
Стул NANTES ® 55 x 66 x 45 см / 48 кг (88) UHPC (*), цена: 1,619.00 Eur + НДС
Стул NANTES с подлокотником ® 64 x 66 x 45см / 52кг (88) UHPC (*), цена: 1,945.00 Eur + НДС
Вы можете найти желаемые цвета, точные размеры и другую информацию в галерее продуктов.

Продукция идеально подходит для использования на открытом воздухе и в помещении: в парках, городских площадях, на аллеях торговых центров, на частных объектах и ​​т. Д.

* Гладкая архитектурная поверхность.
Производство: 5-6 недель
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