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Бетонная скамья без спинки 'Ø 200xH/45cm / BS-151'

Код товара: EGT-BS-151-6941

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Гарантия 2
Страна происхождения: Bulgarija
Производитель: MONARDA LAB
ДОСТАВКА ПРОДУКТАДоставка косметической продукции 1-5 дней.
Доставка кейтерингового оборудования за 2-3 недели
Изготовление и доставка малой архитектуры 8-12 недель

Round bench combining high-performance concrete, metal construction and certified wood. The concrete legs are with embossed surface from natural aggregate. The structure is made of marble or granite stones of defined size in different color combinations. The metal structure is coated with ester-epoxy zinc primer and is powder coated. These technological methods protect the metal from corrosion and increase its performance. For Round Bench 151, two certified types of wood are available – spruce softwood and exotic hardwood bamboo. The concrete and planks are further treated with a protection coating, which makes the product even more resistant to aggressive atmospheric conditions. The elements connecting the individual structures are from stainless steel. The originality of the design decision is hidden in the semantics of the circle - the most ancient notion of aesthetics. The bench circle can be a hug for any tree in the park and an emphasis in modern spaces.

Размеры: Ø 2000 х В / 450 мм
Цвет: белый, скатер, серый, коричневый, черный
Дерево: ИРОКО
Вес: 140 кг

Изготовление: 35-55 календарных дней.
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