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Бетонная скамейка '190x99xH/101cm / BS-155'

Код товара: EGT-BS-155-6951

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Гарантия 2
Страна происхождения: Bulgarija
Производитель: MONARDA LAB
ДОСТАВКА ПРОДУКТАДоставка косметической продукции 1-5 дней.
Доставка кейтерингового оборудования за 2-3 недели
Изготовление и доставка малой архитектуры 8-12 недель

Concrete bench Whale is a unique proposal for furnishing of spaces for children in the big city. It is made of high-performance concrete, natural aggregate and certified wood. The concrete is fiber reinforced. The aggregate structure contains natural marble or granite stones. They can be combined in different colors and are of a specific size. The planks are specially treated, which protects them from rotting and preserves the material’s characteristics over time. The innovative engineering solution and the larger number of planks create an ergonomic seating area that follows the curves of the human body. The concrete surface is embossed and further treated with a protective coating. This makes the product even more resistant to aggressive weather conditions. The elements connecting the main components are from stainless steel. Smiling whale concrete decoration brings a fresh touch to the exterior and is especially suitable for any city near the sea, ocean or just by the water.

Размеры продукта: 1900 x 990 x H / 1010 мм
Цвет: белый, Scater, серый, коричневый
Древесина: твердая древесина IROKO
Вес: 155 кг

Производство: 35-55 календарных дней.
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