
Betona sols bez atzveltnes, kolekcija 'MOM'

Preces kods: MEFT-MOM-7561

Prece tiek pasūtīta

€88209 ar PVN
€72900 bez PVN
Garantija: 2
Izcelsmes valsts: Ispanija
Ražotājs: Escofet
PRODUKTU PIEGĀDEKosmētikas līdzekļu piegāde 1-5 dienas.
Ēdināšanas iekārtu piegāde 2-3 nedēļu laikā
Mazās arhitektūras izgatavošana un piegāde 8-12 nedēļas

The Mom collection consists of a stool and a bench, both paradigms of the technological possibilities of melding the concrete UHPC-Slimconcrete. Cubic geometry, hollow and gently rounded outline, houses inside a LED light system that bathes its walls as a screen that illuminates the road providing security.
The collection is called Mom by analogy to the form of the receiving matrix of the mother. The UHPC-Slimconcrete technology allows for the design of extremely durable, lightweight elements with a minimum structural cross-section, due to their high resistance to compression, bending, impact and wear. The extremely low water absorption properties of this material improve its behaviour in the face of fragmentation due to freeze cycles in places with harsh climates.
The lightweight nature of the UHPC-Slimconcrete products makes them easy to transport and reduces energy consumption in their fabrication. Their 100% recyclable material composition optimises their life cycle. Both models are made from a single piece of UHPC-Slimconcrete concrete stain steel reinforced. They have a superior regatta for the optional accommodation of a strip of LED light, as well as accommodation for the driver with registration from the inside in one of the front ends.
It is easy to lift and handle with slings and both bench and stool in outdoor are anchored to the paving. As self-standing product, Mom is installed simply resting on the paving but it is advisable to anchor the benches to the paving. No specific foundations are needed when installed on sand or lawn, nor anchoring when they are installed in private or interior spaces.

Produkta izmēri:
Mom 60 (60 x 50 x 48 cm / 141 kg / UHPC - Nepulēts), cena bez PVN: EUR 729,00 + PVN
Mom 60 (60 x 50 x 48 cm / 141 kg / UHPC - Pulēts), cena bez PVN: EUR 829,00 + PVN
Mom 240 (240 x 50 x 48 cm / 465 kg / UHPC - Nepulēts), cena bez PVN: EUR 1 329,00 + PVN
Mom 240 (240 x 50 x 48 cm / 465 kg / UHPC - Pulēts), cena bez PVN: 1459,00 EUR + PVN
* Vēlamās krāsas, precīzus izmērus un citu informāciju var atrast preču galerijā

Betona apdare:
* Apdare: pulēta virsma
* Betona krāsa: galerijā
* Betona izstrādājumi ir izgatavoti no betona C 40/50 klases, kas atbilst Eiropas standarta EN 206-1 stiprības prasībām.

Cita informācija:
* Pieejams: Logo
* Ražošana: 6-12 nedēļas
* Garantija - 2 gadi
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