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Ławka betonowa '400x63x87cm / BS-239'

Kod produktu: EGT-BS-239-7361

Produkt zamawiany

Gwarancja: 2
Kraj pochodzenia: Bulgarija
Dostawa towarówDostawa produktów kosmetycznych 1-5 dni
Dostawa sprzętu gastronomicznego 2-3 tygodnie
Produkcja i dostawa małej architektury 8-12 tygodni
Bezpieczna płatność online

Bench is an elegant combination blending the comfort and warmth of the wood and the strength and stability of the concrete. The construction is supported by three legs made of high-performance fiber concrete and natural mosaic. The aggregate structure consists of natural marble or granite stones of a certain size and color variations. The concrete surface has a distinctive relief and is further treated with a protective coating, which makes the product even more resistant to aggressive weather conditions. The timber of which the wooden planks are made is certified and specially treated. This retains the material's characteristics over time and prevents it from rotting. The fasteners are from stainless steel. The longer seating surface of the model makes the product suitable for busy urban areas, large parks and boulevards.

Wymiary: 4000 x 630 x H / 870 mm
Kolorowe odłamki granitu: biały, scater, szary, brązowy, czarny
Waga: 290 kg
Wykończenie: odłamki granitu

Produkcja: 35–55 dni kalendarzowych.
Sprzedajemy towary we wszystkich krajach UE.

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Największy w Europie dostawca sprzętu gastronomicznego i małej architektury

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